More Than Tokyo
Exploring the Wonders of Rural Japan
Stepping outside the big cities of Japan can be like entering another world. Quaint wooden farmhouses dotting terraced rice fields. Fairy-tale forests of moss-covered stones, lush foliage, and dappled sunlight. Glorious waterfalls. It is my hope to share this wonder with you.
Vincent Van Gogh
If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.

Growing up in northern Virginia, my life revolved around my Catholic school and the Fort Myers’ Officers’ swimming pool. When I tired of swimming on long summer days, I would walk under big shady trees through the old section of Arlington National Cemetery. Each unique 19th century gravestone held such dignity. I marveled at their age.
At that time, the farthest thought from my mind was that I would spend most of my life in rural Japan.
But here I am, in Kagoshima, Japan, living next to one of the most active volcanoes in the world, and where local gravestones are not a mere 200 years old, but many are over 1,000 years old.
Funny, the turns a life can take.

I moved to Japan in 1987 and concentrated the next 30 years on raising my rather large family. Now that my children have, for the most part, made their way in the world, I have time to do things I would like to do.
In 2018, I began working as a tour leader — a job I seem to be made for. At the beginning of 2023, I became a Nationally Licensed Japanese Guide and Interpreter. I thoroughly enjoy taking curious foreigners throughout this beautiful country that I love and call my home.
When I’m at home in Kagoshima, I spend my time studying Japanese history, legends, and culture; listening to audiobooks and courses; walking in the beautiful countryside; swimming; and, as I’m sure you can guess, writing.
It is my hope to share the wonders, the amazing stories, and the beauty of my adopted country with you. To help with this, I have created More Than Tokyo.
Thank you for your interest!